I’ve worked with many talented people in my career—and their quotes below are just as much a reflection of them as they are of me. Great collaboration, trust and respect will always yield great results.

“Simply put, Martin is a salt-of-the-earth human being and a great guy to work with. He’s bright, dedicated, disciplined and loyal. Whether working on digital projects, video, collateral or trade show booths, he brings a sound understanding of strategy, big ideas and excellent problem solving skills, backed up by the attention to detail very much appreciated by account managers. I’ve worked with Martin for 16 years and I know good work when I see it. It’s the only kind Martin knows how to do.”

— Jack Holton, CEO, HSG

“I always enjoy working on brands with Martin as he brings a deep understanding around brand strategy into any creative task he undertakes. He is always looking to understand the underlying behavior change needed and looking to how best marry it with creative that delivers an impact. From concepting major campaign ideas to block-and-tackle tactics, I know he will bring quality work every time.”

— Clint Tankersley, Vice President of Strategy, DiD

Martin Frey believes—in ideas, his team, and the creative process. Martin trusts. He understands why the little things matter. He encourages his team to fly on their own because he knows that’s where growth happens. He’s a selfless leader who cares deeply. And he will defend (everyone’s!) ideas because he finds joy in bringing them to fruition. But Martin doesn’t just lead, he lifts. And never dictates. He offers real, honest feedback so that his team thrives. He creates beautiful work from strong strategy. He’s consistent. He’s the rare combination of both creativity and detail. I can’t recommend Martin enough. Working with him was an absolute joy.

— Christina Soring, Copywriter, DiD

“Martin is fantastic to work with. He is thoughtful in so many ways from start to finish. Martin has a passion for perfecting digital experiences to ensure optimal user experience and engagement. His attention to detail has allowed for some of the most wonderful creative pieces to come from our team that had a balance of scientific accuracy and beautiful artistic execution. Martin is an asset to any team and in our time working together I learned a great deal from him.”

— Arriel Mecca, Account Director, DiD

“Martin is the Swiss Army knife of art directors: advertising, design, print, web, digital, email, you name it. But here's the thing: He's great at all of it. He's a conceptualist, a craftsman, and a guy who gets sh*t done. Your words will look better in a Martin Frey layout, because it will complement rather than ignore them. All that and he’s fun to work with.”

— Bob Peishcel, Associate Creative Director, HSG

“Martin's natural and unyielding pursuit of design and concept mastery is among the best I have ever worked with, not to mention a true professional who understands and contributes to overall strategy and financials. A rare bird, and a stand up guy to boot; I would always recommend MF for any creative position.”

— Christa Ward, Marketing Director, Kieffer’s Appliances

“Martin Frey never stops working. We all have a part of our brain that keeps solving problems long after the workday ends. That part of Martin’s brain is the biggest part. As a writer, partnering with him as a creative director was a joy. He made my writing better with his suggestions, and he listened when I contributed visual ideas. (He even used them. Sometimes. Well, once. Doesn’t matter, Martin’s were always better.) He has a great grasp of the big idea and how to make it serve the needs of the brand. But he also keeps track of the details, no matter how many or how small they are. His ability to stretch a budget to cover every essential part of a campaign is invaluable. I recommend Martin as a conceptual art director when you need to break new ground, and as a managing creative steward when you have to stay true to an overarching concept. Martin never stops improving whatever he’s working on and he will make your marketing better.”

— Steve Rickards, Copywriter, Freelance

It was a pleasure working together with Martin who is an exceptional ACD. Martin approaches all projects with fresh eyes and intelligence in search for the brilliant big idea. He brings broad knowledge from consumer and professional branding and understands critical strategic positioning. He is loyal, insightful, and independent. Martin prides himself in having the technical knowledge to ensure the execution lives up to the craft. In other words, the work better be intelligent and beautiful–and it better work flawlessly. Martin will never take a short cut. His character and work ethic earn my high recommendation.

— Sig Gross, Creative Director, DiD